Here we focus on inspirational forms of communication -- including speeches, letters or historical events related to the abolition of slavery in the United States.
- Slavery was wide spread across the world in the 1800s.
- Only 4 percent of the world's slaves were held in the United States.
- The United States is the only country in the world to fight a war to end slavery.
- The abolitionist movement was founded by evangelical Christians.
(1759 – 1833)
William Wilberforce and Abolishing the Slave Trade, by R. Wright
Amazing Grace film trailer 1
William Wilberforce and Abolishing the Slave Trade, by R. Wright
Amazing Grace film trailer 1
Amazing Grace trailer 2
The Abolitionists' Cause. Readings of Wilberforce anti-slavery speeches. 2007 -- the 200th annarversary of end of slave trade. 6 minutes
The Abolitionists' Cause. Readings of Wilberforce anti-slavery speeches. 2007 -- the 200th annarversary of end of slave trade. 6 minutes
Address at the Woman’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. 29 May 1851
Civil War Timeline
1860 - 1865
- "Peoria Speech" October 16, 1854
- House Divided Speech, Republican party convention nominated him for the U.S. Senate in 1858
- Lincoln–Douglas debates of 1858
- Hillsdale Dialogues, 5 - 22 - 2015, The Debates that Changed History. Dr. Arnn and Hugh Hewitt begin their series on the Lincoln-Douglas debates by discussing the first debate which took place in Ottawa, IL on August 21, 1858.
- Dramatic reproduction of the debates featuring Michael Krebs portrays Abraham Lincoln.
- Cooper Union speech February 27, 1860
- 1860 Presidential nomination and campaign
- Lincoln's Farewell Address in Springfield February 11, 1861
- First inaugural address, 4 March 1861
- Sullivan Ballou's letter to his wife the day before the Battle of Bull Run, July 14 1861. Reading of the letter, 3.30 minutes.
- Confiscation Act freeing slaves who support the Confederate war August 6, 1861
- Gettysburg Campaign, series of battles fought in June and July 1863
- Congress passed an act banning slavery on all federal territory On June 19, 1862
- Scene from Glory, black union soldiers prayer service. Evidence Civil War had a moral cause for the abolition of slavery.
- The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on September 22, 1862, and put into effect on January 1, 1863. (declared free the slaves in 10 states not then under Union control. Lincoln thus used the abolition of slavery in the rebel states as a military strategy to defeat the South.)
- Frederick Douglass Speech on the emancipation Proclamation. 1 October 1862
- Remember the Titans, Football Coach Speech at Gettysburg. Portrayed by Denzel Washington. Film Released 2000.
- Gettysburg Address at battlefield cemetery, November 19, 1863
- Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby, Nov. 21, 1864.
- Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox April 9, 1865
- Second inaugural address March 4, 1865
- Speech Lincoln promoted voting rights for blacks April 11, 1865 (Booth develop assassination plot in response.)
- Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, dramatic reading. 2:50 minutes
- Lincoln assassinated April 14, 1865. History Channel American Story Video clip 3.5 min
Lincoln's Faith
- "When I left Springfield I asked the people to pray for me. I was not a Christian. When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ. Yes, I do love Jesus." -- The Lincoln Memorial: Album-Immortelles, O.H. Oldroyd Collection, 1883, page 366.
Lincoln's portrait appears on two denominations of United States currency, the penny and the $5 bill. Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.;
Lincoln's sculpture on Mount Rushmore
Barack Obama's Pre-Inaugural speech at Lincoln Memorial, January 18, 2009. Video of Speech
Analysis of Central Figure in Civil War
The Story of Abraham Lincoln
Scene: When and Where
Actor: What was Lincoln's biography and character?
Purpose: What did Lincoln want when faced with war?
Obstacles: What kept Lincoln from his purpose?
Action: What did Lincoln do? What did he say in his famous speech?
Result: How did it turn out? What universal truth for humanity does Lincoln give us?
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